Once you have joined this website, please be sure to do the following so that you can be sure that your vendor banners are added into our weekly rotation!
Please send an email to vendors @ renderosity.com (without spaces) with the subject line "Vendor Name - Vendor Site Signup Complete". PLEASE make sure that the email you register with is one that you have access too, as we will announce vendor only events to those email addresses and you don't want to miss out on those. We are about to shake up things with our vendors in a VERY fun and exciting way and we do not want you to miss an opportunity, contest, sale, or anything else!
Please also, attach the following to your email
• Store banner 700 x 150
• Exclusive item banner 700 x 150
Please name your images with your vendor name for the Store Banner, and vendor name and product name for the Exclusive item banner. We will also request new banners from time to time, so if you'd like to make more than one and save them locally to have ready that would be a great idea!
Thank You!